Why You Need Flood Insurance

Did you know floods happen in all 50 states? Yes they do – on the coasts, up in the mountains, beside rivers, and even in deserts. Whether you’re living in a small town or a big city, few regions are immune to such soggy disasters. During recent times, it’s been estimated that 25% of flood insurance claims came from areas not considered high risk.

You may be in an area where it rarely rains, let alone floods, and so flood insurance is the furthest thing from your mind. But if you’ve ever been through a flood or you reside in an area where floods are common, you are probably well aware that floods can occur anytime, and with very little notice.

If you’ve never been through a flood you may not realize how much damage they can cause to your home and possessions. Water damage can be costly to repair and appliances and personal possessions are often completely ruined.

Another good reason to purchase flood insurance is because you cannot always rely on Federal Disaster Assistance alone. This is because a lot of people do not qualify for grants, which makes the most usual form of assistance a disaster home loan.  Such loans need to be repaid with principal plus interest.

If you’d like to insure your home and possessions against flood damage, contact us now for a competitive quote. 

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